Optional helper text here; if message is more than one line text should wrap (~100 character count maximum)
Optional helper text here; if message is more than one line text should wrap (~100 character count maximum)
Copyright IBM Corp. 2016, 2018
This source code is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license found in the
LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
<div class="bx--form-item">
<label for="text-input-3" class="bx--label">Text Input label</label>
<div class="bx--form__helper-text">
Optional helper text here; if message is more than one line text should wrap (~100 character count maximum)
<input id="text-input-3" type="text"
placeholder="Optional placeholder text">
<div class="bx--form-item">
<label for="text-area-2" class="bx--label">Text Area label</label>
<div class="bx--form__helper-text">
Optional helper text here; if message is more than one line text should wrap (~100 character count maximum)
<textarea id="text-area-2" class="bx--text-area"
rows="4" cols="50" placeholder="Placeholder text."></textarea>
<div class="bx--form-item">
<label for="select-id" class="bx--label">Select label</label>
<div class="bx--select-input__wrapper">
<select id="select-id"
class="bx--select-input ">
<option class="bx--select-option" value="" disabled selected hidden>Choose an option </option>
<option class="bx--select-option" value="solong" >A much longer option that is worth having around to check how text flows </option> <optgroup class="bx--select-optgroup" label="Category 1">
<option class="bx--select-option" value="option1" >Option 1 </option> <option class="bx--select-option" value="option2" >Option 2 </option> </optgroup> <optgroup class="bx--select-optgroup" label="Category 2">
<option class="bx--select-option" value="option1" >Option 1 </option> <option class="bx--select-option" value="option2" >Option 2 </option> </optgroup> </select>
<svg focusable="false" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" style="will-change: transform;" xmlns="" class="bx--select__arrow" width="10" height="6" viewBox="0 0 10 6" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M5 6L0 1 0.7 0.3 5 4.6 9.3 0.3 10 1z"></path></svg>
<div class="bx--form-item">
<button class="bx--btn bx--btn--primary" type="button">Submit</button>